Introducing Heartbreaker

22nd May 2023/0/0

Unveiling our latest hos­pi­tal­i­ty design project — a super-fly cocktail bar called Heartbreaker. The venue is set to launch next week in Worthing, the pretty seaside town in West Sussex being dubbed the new Brighton. It’s the brain­child of Ben Thompson, indie rock band Two Door Cinema Club’s drummer. 

 The project is a true col­lab­o­ra­tion between our branding and interiors teams; designing not just the brand, the logo, signage, wayfind­ing and drinks menu design. But also orig­i­nat­ing inside of the bar, all the joineries, banquette seating, dec­o­ra­tive lighting and fur­nish­ing.

More on this very soon, but for now here’s our Bad Cupid character (more on him soon) and one of the logo lockups.


