Category: Opinion Piece

What comes first, the brand or the interiors?

15th November 2023/0/0/
moodboard of stylish fabrics and patterns for restaurant interior design

Run For The Hills was founded by a Graphic Designer (me, Chris Trotman) and an Interior Designer (Anna Burles). Merging our expertise and expe­ri­ence in the creative indus­tries, to form a creative design studio that spe­cialis­es in creating unique and memorable spaces. Therefore we have two distinct teams (graphics and interiors), beavering away on separate […]

Animation, Art, bar design, branding, Graphic Design, interior design, Opinion Piece

Tips on naming

6th April 2020/0/0/

Name gen­er­a­tion is a tricksy business. There is no right way to go about it. It’s hugely sub­jec­tive. Sometimes it’s very personal to the founders of the brand or project and therefore they should lead. If they have a strong pref­er­ence for something we let them run with that. A branding project normally begins with […]

branding, Opinion Piece