
How AI can speed boost the creative process

16th July 2024/0/1

We’ve been increasingly embracing the latest developments in AI and bringing them into our design process. Whether that’s ChatGPT to aid us in naming or writing campaign straplines, or MidJourney to create the perfect moodboard images. AI has proven particularly useful for signage, allowing us to experiment with materiality and provide clients with a clear visualisation of our proposals. Previously, we relied on time-consuming Photoshop mockups or reference images for things like neon signs or antique brass letters. Now, with the right prompts and a simple click, we can generate photorealistic images quickly and easily.

This obviously speeds up our creative process which means we can be more cost-effective and compete with other design studios with less overheads than we have.

Designers shouldn’t be scared of AI — it is just another tool for our toolboxes. But designers who are wary of it and don’t start using it might be left behind by those who do.

Here is a selection of images of our horns logomark. It took about half an hour to create them all with Adobe Firefly.
