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quirky workspace logo branding
aesthetic business cards placed around each other in various angles

An eco-stylish workspace in the heart of Cardiff

Our latest work for UK real estate investor Create. The chal­lenger property developer tasked Run For The Hills to develop the brand identity and interior design for its latest workspace devel­op­ment which reflects its mission to push the sus­tain­abil­i­ty agenda in real estate and society by recon­nect­ing the urban landscape with the natural world.

Coal House, which launched summer 2023, is an inspiring and pro­gres­sive workspace in the heart of Cardiff. It’s undergone a stylish industrial-chic refur­bish­ment to give sustainability-conscious busi­ness­es the oppor­tu­ni­ty to thrive in an ultra-green envi­ron­ment, with all the perks.

Our branding brief was to work up the visual brand identity, graphic language and to design a stylish website for prospec­tive tenants.

Central to the creative work was to give the development’s branding an urban sus­tain­able heart, making sure all of the key eco-benefits of the new workspace were prominent on the website and messaging.

For the brand palette, we used a stylish charcoal and green mix, to appeal to the envi­ron­men­tal­ly con­science target demo­graph­ic. We designed an urban deco graphic language for illus­tra­tions within the brand world, loosely based on the building’s archi­tec­tur­al fen­es­tra­tions, animating a series of these patterns for the website, which were also used on interior archi­tec­ture details.

The side scrolling website is full of motion graphics and video, bringing the project to life for prospec­tive tenants.

quirky workspace logo mark branding animation
quirky workspace branding animation, pale green
quirky workspace branding animation, pale green
quirky workspace logo mark branding animation
black workspace exterior exposed brick and orange grill
black workspace exterior exposed brick and orange grill
white logo on black building exterior with orange accent

In terms of the building’s physical trans­for­ma­tion, Coal House has a dramatic new dark façade, softened with lush planting and atmos­pher­ic lighting diffused behind the warmth of corten archi­tec­tur­al cladding. The new reception lobby is sign­post­ed by an illu­mi­nat­ed canopy and hero signage beckoning to the airy atrium space styled by our interiors team.

The interiors brief was to create a show­stop­ping lounge-style atrium space in Coal House. To infuse the design scheme with eco-stylish touches and an urban twist, but first and foremost to create a warm and inviting, buzzy shared lobby which workers and guests would love to use. Featuring a help-yourself coffee bar, café seating, com­fort­able lounge areas, Zoom Rooms and bookable meeting space.

Using biophilic design prin­ci­ples, the eco-friendly design maximises the sense of light, using a natural materials palette of materials, botan­i­cals and colourful art, giving an informal, stay-for-a-while hos­pi­tal­i­ty feel.

white vertical logo on black building exterior
cozy workspace interior with plantage and ambient lighting
cozy workspace interior with plantage and ambient lighting
cozy workspace booth with warm lighting
dining area with a quirky neon sign and plantage
leather chair in a meeting room ambient lighting
table spread of breakfast food and coffee, rustic
meeting room interior design with stylish chandelier
stylish meeting room with a quirky chandelier
stylish workspace corner with large plant pots and natural light

Services used

Name Generation
Brand Identity
Logo Design

Interior Design
Website Design
Brochure Design