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stylized typographic logo for restaurant
page spread food menu, illustration, warm light with a coffee mug

Kindred: Rebranded

Our interiors team have been working with Kindred for a few years now, and this year our branding team were invited to complete the design circle and refresh the brand. Kindred is a West London-based Open House hos­pi­tal­i­ty venue set within a grade II listed mansion called Bradmore House. They are pas­sion­ate about building community and real human con­nec­tions; inspired by the openness, warmth, and togeth­er­ness created by gathering around a campfire.

For the rebrand­ing project, it was important to keep the essence of what makes Kindred great – the playful but pro­fes­sion­al tone of voice, the sense of togeth­er­ness and, of course, the campfire concept. But much as the interiors team have added extra layers of styling to the venue, injecting yet more heart and soul to the space, the brand identity also needed a similarly creative evolution.

Restaurant brick orange logo and logo mark animation

We started by re-working Kindred’s logotype and campfire logomark. Opting for a slightly more modern serif for the logotype, and lots of honing, smoothing and sim­pli­fy­ing for the mark. Then we created a darker and richer colour palette, taking cues from the refreshed interior styling. Deep burgundy red from our design of the new Salon Bar on the top floor of Kindred, a luxurious blue from the new banquette seating, and a beau­ti­ful­ly soft green taken from the library book shelves. An orange accent colour finishes the brand palette, just as pops of orange can be seen in the interior scheme in some armchairs and acces­sories.

moodboard images based on colours for restaurants with colour swatches
Illustrated dog animation

We then set to work devel­op­ing Kindred a playful new illus­tra­tion style. Creating unique mono­chrome illus­tra­tions to help bring to life all the things that make Kindred so special. A grand piano, branded drum kit and micro­phone on a looping cord to represent Kindred’s dynamic roster of live music events. Notebooks, coffee cups and canines to represent the venue’s dog-friendly mem­ber­ship co-working spaces. And a rich col­lec­tion of food and drink inspired illus­tra­tions show­cas­ing Kindred’s fantastic F&B offering, for use across menus and marketing materials.

cool illustration black and white restaurant
minimal one-pager all day menu design for a restaurant
restaurant leaflet design tri-fold black and white
person holding restaurant loyalty cards, illustration
page spreads drinks menu
cross pattern mark animation

After thought­ful­ly pairing perfect typefaces and adding extra dec­o­ra­tive touches, we started to work up the full suite of menus. The pièce de resis­tance is a stunning (if we do say so ourselves) hardcover 40 page drinks book. The beautiful tome, with tan-orange cover featuring an under­stat­ed campfire emboss, is printed on subtly textured Fedrigoni paper with matching orange stitching. It really is a piece of sto­ry­telling in its own right, with a narrative talking about the prove­nance of every­thing Kindred does, cham­pi­oning Kindred’s inde­pen­dent London suppliers — all artisans and family busi­ness­es. The tone of voice is whim­si­cal­ly descrip­tive and full of our illus­tra­tions which take the reader on a journey through the makers who pour their passion into their very special products.

champagne tower animation
cool cocktail animation
cool cocktail animation
cool drinks animation

We also created a ‘cocktail toolkit’ to illus­trate all of Kindred’s distinct cocktails. A set of com­po­nents including different glass types – from lowball and highball, to flutes and shots — with lots of illus­trat­ed dec­o­ra­tive embell­ish­ments like ice and fruit, all created indi­vid­u­al­ly, meaning that it’ll be easy to create new cocktails for future updates to the book using this ready-made tool kit com­po­nents as the bedrock.

cool event poster for a restaurant with bold typography and imagery
cool event poster for a restaurant with bold typography
cool event poster for a restaurant with bold typography and imagery
person holding card with logo and branding

Our new branding has now been rolled grace­ful­ly over all other touch­points, like event posters (for Kindred’s busy live programme of music/comedy/networking/socials), loyalty cards and day passes, creating a seamless expe­ri­ence for Kindred’s community to thrive in a space where the brand and interior are har­mo­nious­ly balanced.

Stylish colourful coasters with restaurant logo and illustration
stylish dog pattern
spilling coffee animation