Tag: Interior Designer

10 Ways to Create a Botticelli-inspired Room Scheme

31st May 2016/0/0/
interior design dining table room interior design dining table room

See our London dining room design featured in this editorial blog piece on Houzz. Full article here. Sandro Botticelli’s The Birth of Venus and Primavera are famed for encapsulating the values and look of Italian Renaissance painting. Living from 1445 to 1510, Botticelli was forgotten in the later years of his life, but over the […]

Art, interior design , , , , , , ,

Our guest bedroom styling featured on Houzz

16th February 2016/0/0/

One of our interiors projects has been featured on Houzz today in a piece entitled 10 Style Tricks to Steal for the Bedroom. Our bedroom design in question was part of a full-scale design project on a large Victorian Villa in the East End last summer. We spent lots of time tweaking those throws and cushions!

Art, interior design , , , , ,

Anna’s monthly style tips on Houzz

20th January 2016/0/0/

Anna’s latest blog article for Houzz published today. With her tips on how to use colour pops against a neutral backdrop.

Art, interior design, Press Coverage , , , , , , , , ,