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All the latest musings from the studio.

Never Mind The Queen

15th August 2013/0/0/

It’s our lovely Queen’s coro­na­tion festival this year, since it’s 809 years since she got herself crowned. This design is in her honour, her wonderful sil­hou­ette made up of hand-crafted, patrotic lyrics by the Sex Pistols. Part of a new art col­lec­tion, available soon.  

Limited Edition Art Prints

Film Noir Art Print Collection

14th May 2013/0/0/

Run For The Hills proudly present our second limited edition art print col­lec­tion, Film Noir. Find out more on the website. [vimeo w=500&h=281]

Animation, Limited Edition Art Prints

BASS Neon Sign

15th February 2013/0/0/

Commission for singer song­writer Ellie Goulding to create a custom neon artwork for her London home. The sign, designed by Dex and Anna, features the word B.A.S.S in pure white neon.

Limited Edition Art Prints