Category: Art

PMA Shortlist 2016

9th June 2016/0/0/

We’re delighted to say that one of our favourite recent graphics projects has been short­list­ed for a Property Marketing Award. Our creative campaign for Verve Properties’ Hunt’s Paper Factory has been voted one of the finalists in the Residential Regeneration category.  The three month long project to introduce Verve’s stylish makeover of a former Paper Factory […]

Art, Awards, interior design

10 Ways to Create a Botticelli-inspired Room Scheme

31st May 2016/0/0/
interior design dining table room interior design dining table room

See our London dining room design featured in this editorial blog piece on Houzz. Full article here. Sandro Botticelli’s The Birth of Venus and Primavera are famed for encap­su­lat­ing the values and look of Italian Renaissance painting. Living from 1445 to 1510, Botticelli was forgotten in the later years of his life, but over the […]

Art, interior design , , , , , , ,

Cartographics – Designing The Modern Map

25th May 2016/0/1/
cartographic map design cartographic map design

We’re honoured to have our Literary London Map featured in a wonderful new book, Cartographics — Designing The Modern Map, published by SendPoints. “Cartographics is a beautiful com­bi­na­tion of rational thinking and aesthetic pursuit. Widening the mere geo­graph­ic posi­tion­ing func­tion­al­i­ty of con­ven­tion­al map, modern map design high­lights the diversity of visual rep­re­sen­ta­tions and changing everyday needs. […]

Art, Press Coverage

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Run For The Hills

19th May 2016/0/0/
picture of chris trotman chris trotman

We’ve been chatting to our friends at Culture Label for a piece on their blog. 5 Things You Didn’t Know About Run For The Hills Dex lives in an artisan cottage in the shadow of Goldfinger’s Trellick Tower, W10, with his partner, business partner and interior designer Anna Burles and their baby daughter, Margot Celeste. […]

Art, Press Coverage

Shortlisted for the RA

11th April 2016/0/0/

  Our print, God Save The Queen, has been short­list­ed for the Royal Academy Summer Show! Fingers crossed, final round results in May… Some blurb: Her Majesty’s famous sil­hou­ette given a punk make over. Her famous profile created with hand crafted lyrics from the Sex Pistol’s classic song, God Save The Queen. Perfect for music lovers, anar­chists, and phi­lat­e­lists […]

Art, Awards, Limited Edition Art Prints

Literary London Tea Towel

5th April 2016/0/0/

Introducing the latest product in the Literary London col­lec­tion, and our first Tea Towel design. A tea towel map of the capital featuring char­ac­ters from the pages of novels based in London. The famous and infamous. And also the less well known. Those with an amazing moniker or bril­liant­ly conceived nickname who are a credit […]

Art, product design

Twenty Bridges on Culture Label

16th February 2016/0/0/

Our latest Literary London print, Twenty Bridges, now for sale on Culture Label. See it and other new art over here. Buy it and other prints at our shop. Find out more:

Art, Limited Edition Art Prints, New work, shop

Our guest bedroom styling featured on Houzz

16th February 2016/0/0/

One of our interiors projects has been featured on Houzz today in a piece entitled 10 Style Tricks to Steal for the Bedroom. Our bedroom design in question was part of a full-scale design project on a large Victorian Villa in the East End last summer. We spent lots of time tweaking those throws and cushions!

Art, interior design , , , , ,

Anna’s monthly style tips on Houzz

20th January 2016/0/0/

Anna’s latest blog article for Houzz published today. With her tips on how to use colour pops against a neutral backdrop.

Art, interior design, Press Coverage , , , , , , , , ,

Artfinder Winter Catalogue

7th December 2015/0/0/

We’ve just got our hands on the new Artfinder Winter 2015 catalogue! great handy pocket size, wonderful stock and full of great work, espe­cial­ly the Dex prints on page 18!

Art, Limited Edition Art Prints, Uncategorized