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Audrey Green logo type in white
Bar entrance with audrey green logo above the door

At The National Portrait Gallery

Audrey Green and Larry’s Bar at the National Gallery is the fourth hos­pi­tal­i­ty venue that our team has designed for the Daisy Green Collection, following our work creating Paradise Green in Bishopsgate,  Scarlett Green in Soho, and Bondi Green in Maida Vale Paddington. 

Audrey Green and Larry’s Bar have very distinct per­son­al­i­ties. Audrey Green is ‘Breakfast at Tiffany’s’ inspired and bathed in natural light, occupying the ground floor of the gallery’s East Weston Wing, a cool, con­tem­po­rary and airy space. Accessed from within the Gallery and its own street entrance on Charing Cross Road, Audrey Green serves specialty coffee, tea, sand­wich­es, brunch and cake to art lovers as they take a break from exploring the exhi­bi­tions and will also offer a weekend bot­tom­less brunch.

Sited within the newly re-opened landmark gallery, which was closed for three years as part of a major rede­vel­op­ment project, Audrey Green is the gallery’s ground floor café. Larry’s Bar is located one floor below, in the gallery’s atmos­pher­ic vaults – and is a brand-new nightspot serving cocktails, curated beers, wine and delicious food.

Breakfast at Audrey’s

The café’s new design is blessed with beau­ti­ful­ly restored original archi­tec­tur­al features, including an amazing mosaic floor and striking original shutters around picture windows with views onto Charing Cross Road. Audrey’s statement coffee bar takes centre stage with a beautiful veined marble counter, with soft concrete fluting and La Marzocco espresso machines serving up its signature delicious coffee – all flanked by bold, modern artworks cel­e­brat­ing leading lights in the world of ballet.

cafe interior in neutral colours with wide hallways and lots of wooden furniture
coffee shop counter with marble counter tops and framed pictures of ballerinas
cafe seating with big windows, velvet sofas and chairs and lots of natural light
cafe seating area with banquettes and large scale vintage picture of a man and woman
Dimly lit arch bar with exposed brick, vintage pictures and table side ligthing

The under­ground bar has been designed into the fabric of the vaults, with one side nestled within the heart of the vault arches, beau­ti­ful­ly moody by night, but the other side of the bar is drenched in daylight from the glazed ceiling that hints at the bustling street level above. Like Audrey, Larry’s is connected to the gallery but also has a dedicated street entrance from Charing Cross Road.

Larry’s Bar

Stairs from Audrey Green take guests down to the atmos­pher­ic lower-ground vaults, which have been fully refur­bished and are now home to Larry’s Bar, a seductive and cosy space with soft lighting that high­lights the beautiful brick arches. Intimate booths have been designed into the indi­vid­ual arches of the rotunda in a mix of rich velvets and leather for intimate get-togethers with friends and romantic date nights.

Bar counter with exposed brick and arches with blue stools
Arched ceiling bar with exposed brick and warm lighting.
Downstairs bar with exposed brick and warm overhead lighting and a large hanging chandelier

We also designed intimate one-man booths for couples or singles in Larry’s bar. These include power outlets for visitors wanting to re-charge their phone or laptop for a short while during their break from the galleries.

downstairs bar with exposed brick and large vintage portraits.
Cafe booth with pink seating and a pink background and a large portrait of elton john
Picture wall gallery with marble tables

Don’t Go Breaking My Art

Daisy Green col­lec­tion venues are always art-filled, usually featuring works from the private col­lec­tion of owners Tom Onions and Prue Freeman. For Audrey Green and Larry’s Bar, the walls are decorated with works from the National Portrait Gallery’s world-renowned pho­tog­ra­phy col­lec­tion, with col­lec­tions of stunning, iconic framed portraits and sculp­tures as far as the eye can see – and the art really is the heart and soul of the space. Tom’s research on Audrey Hepburn, Laurence Olivier, the West End, London and Soho served as the basis for the thematic selec­tions.

A team of spe­cial­ists, including National Portrait Gallery curator Sabina Jaskot-Gill, and artist Justin Hibbs who planned the pro­duc­tion from framing to the vast Salon Hangs; to pho­tog­ra­ph­er Alan McFetridge who digitally remas­tered and printed the images, all col­lab­o­rat­ed to bring the project to life. Celebrating the vibrant arts and music scene and diverse cultural icons of the area, depicted in a different, unique light. Ballet and fashion dress the ground floor while theatre, film and music adorn the Vaults down­stairs in Larry’s Bar, creating a truly unique and immersive drinks and dining expe­ri­ence for art lovers in the capital. The space will also be used as an events venue for private hire.

We designed curved, tiered booth seating in a vibrant rich palette of tone-on-tone and colour-clash pinks and reds, com­ple­ment­ed beau­ti­ful­ly by the art curation, with certain hero pieces also framed by the dec­o­ra­tive wall finish creating curved forms behind works. FF&E design features a mix of marble and timber-edged stone tables in fresh Carrera in Emperador brown and deep oxblood-red tones, with cocktail tub chairs, can­tilevers, and uphol­stered stools in a mix of vintage velvets, leathers and textural weaves. Fitted seating features signature deco-curved, tiered back-rests but the bases are kept light and open, more like sofas, with turned timber legs adding a tra­di­tion­al wood-working twist.

cafe interior with pink banquettes seating area with a large portrait of a ballerina and pink and gold marbled walls
blue stools with a hightop bar table in front of a pink wall and vintage pictures
art accent wall with framed album covers and vintage photographs
artwork gallery with images of vintage photography
Pink art deco style cafe with pink banquettes and lots of pictures

“It was a privilege to be involved with the rest of the Daisy team in the creation of Audrey Green and Larry’s Bar within such a stunning, landmark gallery. Our interior design is an evocative part of the exciting new des­ti­na­tion café/bar venue, but the art is the true hero as befits the Gallery location. Where else might you be sipping a delicious cocktail in the company of such amazing creative works from the gallery’s col­lec­tion? We love the way Larry’s bar tran­si­tions through the day from light and fresh to warm, cosy and bar-fly moody.”

Anna Burles, Founder Creative Director, Run For The Hills