London Design Festival win

11th February 2014/0/0

Our Literary London Map has been voted one of the best 25 products from the London Design Festival 2013 in partnership with


The Literary London Map is the central piece from our first Limited Edition Art Collection.

The piece was born in 2012, after six months hard labour, a lot of sleepless nights and countless hours of research. Designed painstakingly by Dex in our Run For The Hills art studio.

Literary London Map - Winner London Design Festival 25_o

Find out more about the collection on the website

All of our limited edition prints are available at selected stockists:

Culture Label 

Have a look at the full list of 25 winning designs at this year’s London Design Festival.  The winners were selected by a combination of public voting and an expert panel of Henrietta Thompson (Editor at Large, Wallpaper*), Max Fraser (Deputy Director, LDF) and Peter Tullin (Co-founder, CultureLabel).

Competition was tough, and debate fierce, but we made the final cut alongside some really amazing designs from the other 24 winners including:

Pendant Shade — VG&P
Purple Clay Tea Set — VW+BS
Pixel Cushion — Zuzanaga
Beacon Table Lamp — Magnus Pettersen
Large Knot Pendant Lamp — Vitamin
Crane Cushion — Klaus Haapaniemi
Standard Wave Small Bowl — 1882 Design
(Perfectly) Imperfect Stool — Galvin Brothers
Tall Chair — David David
Archipelago — Permafrost
Deco Building Cushion — Joanna Corney
F4 Series Ceramics — Soderlund Davidson
Faceted Tactile Dome Lights - Studio Avni
Mr Dowel Jones — Dowel Jones
Tada Notebooks — TADA
Pren 1 — Louise Tucker
Transtitional Object — Noy Alon
Interactive World Weather Map — Corby Tindersticks
Strand Lamps — Clancy Moore Designs
Literary London Map — Run for the Hills
Hooked6.0 — Massimo / Buster and Punch
Module — Woodenleg
Tea for One Table — Byung
Jewel Mirror — TOBYhouse
Warp Coffee Cup & Saucer - Richard Brendon / PATTERNITY

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